Gamzigrad ‒ Felix Romuliana Felix Romuliana
Felix Romuliana is the imperial palace of the Emperor Gay Galerius Valerian Maximilian (293 ‒ 311), built in late third and early fourth century A.D. near the today’s village of Gamzigrad and 11.5 kilometres from Zaječar. Galerius built the palace for himself and his mother Romula, after whom he named it. The archeological site Gamzigrad-Romuliana is one of the best-preserved Roman monuments and one of the clearest examples of the conception and symbolics of architecture of the late antiquity. The entire ornament of the Galerius’s palace is a visual expression of the conception tetrarchy, where power is divided among four emperors, designed by Diocletian whose stepson, son-in-law and co-ruler in the East at the same time was Galerius.
Felix Romuliana In 2007, Felix Romuliana was registered in the UNESCO World Heritage List, being the only archaeological site in Serbia listed on the UNESCO list. The main criteria that qualified the Felix Romuliana complex were its single architectural composition, making a link between the secular (palace complex) and sacral (memorial site on the Magura hill, the place of the last apotheosis in the Roman world, where the emperor and his mother were officially made divine after death), and exquisite artwork that represents the supreme achievement of the late antiquity art (mosaics, sculptures and architectural plastics).
Expert collaboration: Maja Živić, DrSc, Archaeologist, Director of the National Museum Zaječar.
Аrtistic realization of the issue: Nadežda Skočajić, MA graphic artist.