
30,00 RSD

Commemorative postage stamps

Year of issue: 2022

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Winter Fairy Tale

Christmas is one of the most significant and joyous Christian holidays, a common holiday of all Orthodox and Catholic believers. The difference is only in the date when it is celebrated. Catholics celebrate it on December 25 and Orthodox Christians on January 7, but its message is one and the same - a message of peace and love, a message of joy and togetherness in well-spent holidays.

This year, for the first time in Belgrade, we will enjoy the pleasures of Christmas and New Year holidays together at the most beautiful holiday festival called the Winter Fairy Tale, which is organized from December 15 to January 15 in the Sava Park at the Belgrade Waterfront.

Christmas is primarily a family holiday, and there are many customs related to it. On the day before Christmas, Christmas Eve, a Badnjak - Christmas tree or branch made of oak wood is brought into the house. Badnjak is a symbol of the longevity and durability of Christianity. On Christmas Day itself, early in the morning, church bells ring and announce the birth of Christ, and everyone greets each other with the words: “Christ has been born! He has truly been born!”

To these beautiful customs, this year we can add, or revive again, one more custom, which is congratulating the holiday by writing a letter. Writing and sending letters can be an art form where each element brings a new opportunity to send love and attention to your loved ones. From the selection of paper that will absorb all your best wishes and most beautiful words, to the selection of the envelope that will store and transfer them, to the postage stamp that will mark and colour it all.

Било да ћете писмо насловити на члана породице или пријатеља, магију писања писма не можете заменити слањем дигиталних порука. Због тога ове године желимо да вас подстакнемо да Зимску бајку поделите и са онима који нису близу и подсетите се како је то било некада, када смо љубав слали и писано, јер – Магија је ту… да се дели и размењује!

Artistic realisation of the issue: Stars and more

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