85th Anniversary of the magazine “STUDENT”


Commemorative postage stamps

Year of issue: 2022

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У Београду је 15. марта 1937. на иницијативу Иве Лоле  Рибара, почео да излази лист „Студент”, орган Акционог одбора стручних студентских удружења Београдског универзитета и гласило револуционарног студентског покрета.

Student magazine, like the student movement, advocated: anti-war policy and active resistance to the ruling regime and its policy of internal terror and loyalty to Hitler’s Germany and Mussolini’s Italy; defense of academic freedoms and university autonomy; developing student solidarity and economic self-help networks; support to student cultural, sports and other associations.

Већ 1946. године „Студент” је обновљен као недељни лист, садржајем окренут не само  академским темама, него и општедруштвеним, политичким и културним питањима. Од 1968. одиграо је и значајну улогу у подизању графичке културе, дизајна, стрипа и илустрације.

It was published continuously in printed form until the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century, and in 2011 it started being published electronically online. As active factors in Yugoslav and Serbian social, cultural, political, artistic, scientific, journalistic and every other history, generations of Student editors and associates have left a permanent mark and a stimulating legacy. They are united by the firm belief that a different, better, freer and more humane world is possible and worth fighting for. These include the following: Ivo Lola Ribar, Bogdan Pešić, Muhamed Musić, Milan Vukos, Slobodan Selenić, Dušan Makavejev, Jug Grizelj, Danilo Kiš, Lazar Stojanović, Đorđije Vuković, Branka Otašević, Aleksandar Ilić, Ilija Moljković, Nenad Čonkić, Miljenko Žuborski, Branka Krilović, Ratka Marić, Mila Korugić, Miroslav Josić Višnjić, Zoran Stanojević, Jelica Stojančić, Zoran Petrović- Piroćanac, Saša Marković Mikrob and many more.

Expert coollaboration: magazine “Student”. Artistic realization of the issue: MA Jakša Vlahović, academic graphic artist

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