25 година Педагошког музеја у Београду
Museum of Pedagogy is the unique institution in Serbia. It was founded on November 24, 1896 as the School Museum, at the suggestion of teacher Dimitrije Putniković, president of the Teachers’ Association, who was also its first director. During its history, the Museum has changed its location several times (elementary school near the Cathedral, Savska Elementary School, elementary school in the Danube region, Teachers’ Home), and in both World Wars it suffered great demolition and almost complete destruction of museum collection. Since the 1960s, it has been housed in the building of the former Belgrade Real High School (Realka), which the Museum received for permanent use from the city of Belgrade. The building was built in 1840 in the classicist style, as the family house of then mayor of Belgrade, Cvetko Rajović. Over time, it also housed the British Consulate, the Russian School, the Real High School and the Đorđe Jovanovic Elementary School, and now it is the Museum of Pedagogy. The whole Museum complex (three buildings from the middle and end of the 19th century and a courtyard) was declared a cultural monument of importance for the Republic of Serbia.
Данас је Педагошки музеј модерна установа која чува око 50.000 експоната из историје српског школства и образовања, од Ћирила и Методија до модерног доба (књиге, уџбеници, школски прибор и учила, архивска документација, фотографије, медијатека…) Посетиоцима свих узраста Педагошки музеј нуди стручно вођење кроз сталну изложбену поставку, галерију и ризницу, организовање едукативно-забавних радионица, прославе рођендана уз „Еscape Room” за најмлађе, библиотеку са читаоницом за све који желе да се стручно упознају са прошлошћу српских школа, и још много тога. На тај начин Педагошки музеј остаје светионик на пољу бриге о традицији и прошлости српске просвете и културе у целини.
Expert collaboration: Filip Trajković, Museum of Pedagogy in Belgrade
Artistic realization of the issue: MA Anamari Banjac, academic painter
125 година Народног музеја Пожаревац
The founding of the Museum at Požarevac High School began in 1893 with the commitment of the professor Luka Jevremović, who initiated, with the help of students, their parents and citizens, the gathering of items for the museum collection.
The Museum started working legally after the adoption and implementation of the Regulations on Museums from 1896. The then Minister of Education and Church Affairs, Ljubomir Kovačević, approved the establishment of the Museum by certifying the Regulations on Museums, on February 3, 1896.
In 1896 Museum had in its collection around 350 items, primarily numismatics, but also other items. Immediately after the founding of the Museum, Luka Jevremović was appointed guardian (curator), who performed this duty for more than ten years. The main reason why the Museum was founded began to materialize: preservation and research of antiquities, mostly from Požarevac district.
In April 1907 the Museum opened its permanent museum exhibition in the special room of the High School.
In the First World War, the largest number of museum items perished, although an evacuation was carried out, and what was left was stolen by the Bulgarian occupiers. During the Second World War (1941-1945), the Museum existed throughout the war and worked under the name Braničevo Museum.
After the liberation, in September 1947, the Museum was solemnly and officially opened to the public on the occasion of Vuk’s jubilee. Nikola Bošković, a retired professor was appointed warden.
The journey of 125 years, from High School Museum, through Braničevo Museum, District and City Museum to the National Museum today, was extremely dynamic (research and collection of items, exhibition and documentation, as well as successive conservation of Museum items), testifies to the rich cultural heritage of this area, Braničevo district.
Today, National Museum in Požarevac is the Regional Museum, with 20,000 items in eight collections and seven facilities at five locations.
Стручна сарадња: Народни музеј Пожаревац
Artistic realization of the issue: MA Anamari Banjac, academic painter