Apart from being a means of paying for postal services, the postage stamp is at the same time one of the most recognizable symbols of national culture. The postage stamp does not only represent postal value, but is also an impressive cultural and artistic phenomenon. It plays a significant role in promoting the value of ideas, heritage, and the specifics of a society. Therefore, postage stamp motifs are chosen with special care and it is insisted on their highest quality of production.
Stamps manufactured in Serbia have received numerous international recognitions, and our experts have gained references with foreign clients as well. This experience and knowledge is available to you, if you choose to create your very own personalized postage stamp, for private or business purposes.
We are developing all kinds of conceptual artistic and graphic solutions for postage stamps and papers of value, philatelic products, as well as for other products needed for corporate presentation. In addition to this, we are doing computer preparation for printing of the products, printing control, and we are creating philatelic units.
Regular postage stamps are intended for general use and are issued depending on the needs of postal traffic, in accordance with the motifs of regular stamps authorized by the ministry responsible for postal services. Regular postage stamps are used as a means of paying for postal services in domestic and international postal traffic.
In addition to the philatelic purpose, postage stamps, with their visual and graphic solutions, motifs and other characteristics, are in permanent function of cultural, scientific, sports, historical, and other promotion of our country.
Commemorative postage stamps are postage stamps issued by the Post for special occasions and which, with their specific pictures or motifs, commemorate significant jubilees, events or dates from the national or world history, sports, culture, science, etc. Motifs from nature are also present (for example, flora and fauna).
Commemorative stamps are used as regular postage stamps as well, i.e. as a means of paying for postal services in domestic and international postal traffic. They also have a philatelic purpose.
Marking jubilee dates with commemorative postage stamps includes 50th, 75th, 100th, 125th, 150th anniversaries, and every following twenty-fifth anniversary.
Sale of postage stamps
Postage stamps can be purchased at counters of all post offices in Serbia.
In the exhibition and sales space of “Philately” shop in Belgrade, 7 Takovska St. the following products are offered:
- Commemorative and regular postage stamps;
- FDC covers and maximum cards;
- Philatelic products such as: thematic sets, memorial albums, annual postage stamp sets in covers, children's frames, magnets, catalogues etc.
- Philatelic accessories