140th Anniversary of the Journalists’ Association of Serbia


Commemorative postage stamps

Year of issue: 2021

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The Journalists’ Association of Serbia was founded on December 21, 1881 in Belgrade, under the name of the Serbian Journalists’ Society. It is one of the oldest professional journalist associations in the world. The first president was Laza Kostić, famous journalist and poet.

The first newspaper in Serbia, “Novine serbske” (Serbian newspapers), was published in 1834 in Kragujevac. The adoption of the first Law on the Press in 1870 was of great importance for the development of journalism in Serbia. Then the newspapers were launched in Svilajnac, Požarevac, Smederevo. The appearance of new newspapers and magazines in Serbia was especially influenced by the liberal Law on the Press from 1881.

At the end of 1881, 22 newspapers and magazines were published in Belgrade, but journalism was not yet a recognized profession. This led several Belgrade journalists and editors to establish a journalistic society that will work to protect journalistic interests and raise the reputation of journalism.

Идејни творац био је Милан Ст. Марковић, уредник часописа Порота. Он је израдио правила – „штатут“ – друштва који је усвојен на збору новинара 21. децембра 1881. године. Њиме су дефинисана три основна циља удруживања новинара: да раде на унапређењу српске публицистике; да се узајамно потпомажу у случају потребе; да штите углед и интересе публицистике.

Српско новинарско друштво касније деловало је под називима Српско новинарско удружење (1891), Југословенско новинарско удружење – Београдска секција (1921), Београдско новинарско друштво (1929), Новинарско удружење у Београду (1941), а од 1945. године носи назив Удружење новинара Србије и ове године обележава 140 година постојања.

Expert collaboration: The Journalists’ Association of Serbia

Artistic realisation of the issue: MA Marija Vlahovic, academic graphic artist

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